Life Prep Academy
Vision & Values
Student Ministries
School Calendar
Frequently Asked Questions
Kindergarten at Life Prep
Elementary Education Curriculum
Secondary Education Curriculum
Fine and Performing Arts
College and Career Counseling
Student life
Development: Mind, Body, & Spirit
Dorm Life
Weekly Student Newsletter
What’s For Lunch
See why Life Prep Academy is the best small private Christian school in Wichita
Join Students from across the world in one Christ-Centered location.
Life Prep Academy is committed to giving families an affordable college prep Christian education that inspires students to reach their full potential in spirit, mind, and body. Our desire is to excel in providing the highest possible standards in academics and athletics. We have excellent facilities for local and international students to utilize. Life Prep offers the best kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high school experience possible.
Jeff Oldenburg
Jeff Oldenburg is our Athletic Director and Head Baseball Coach. Jeff has a passion for helping kids succeed from the class room to the field and lead students to compete at the next level.
Life Prep in Wichita – Vision/Mission/Values
The Vision at Life Prep Academy in Wichita Kansas is to help every student advance and learn on an individual basis. Life Prep is a Christian School we maintain rigorous academic standards while keeping a Biblical Christian world-view. We teach our students how to obey and respect their parents, teachers, fellow students, and themselves.
Mission Statement
Our Mission statement at Life Prep in Wichita Kansas, sums up our only goal: Giving families an affordable college prep Christian education that inspires students to reach their full potential in spirit, mind, and body.
High academic standards
Every student at Life Prep in Wichita Kansas, is different and we take pride in not only advancing our students academically but doing so on an individual basis. One of the ways we accomplish this is to teach our students on their own level and to not simply teach to a test. Since we live in such an advancing world, our academic mission at Life Prep in Wichita Kansas, is to help prepare the student for jobs of 2050 not jobs of today.
Close Knit Family
A key value at Life Prep Academy in Wichita, Kansas is to help every student advance and learn how to obey and respect their parents, teachers, fellow students, and their selves. Our students feel appreciated and loved by our close-knit staff.
Christian Values
Morals are very important to us at Life Prep Academy in Wichita Kansas. As a private Christian school, we are able to instill higher standards in areas of moral values. Weekly chapels along with our teaching staff provide lessons and examples of the benefits to living a Godly and moral Christian lifestyle. From Kindergarten on up our goal is to assist parents in “Training up a child in the way they should go…” Proverbs 22:6.
Cultural Diversity
Life Prep is known as the “Most Diverse School in Kansas.” With more than 30 different nationalities represented, your student will experience cultures from around the world each day. Being an intricate part of our private school, our international students bring with them a fresh sense of excellence, work ethic, honor, and eagerness to learn.
Contact Info
Welcome to our Life Prep Academy. We are so glad you're here.
Phone (316) 838-1243
3841 N. Meridian Avenue Wichita, Kansas, 67204
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Top 5 Things About Life Prep
December 16, 2018
Top 5 Things About Life Prep Academy
Blog written by Life Prep student Shiv Shankar. Life Preparatory Academy is...
5 Types of Students at Life Prep Academy
February 13, 2019
5 Types Of Students At Life Preparatory Academy
Written by: Life Prep Academy Senior Amy Nguyen Disclaimer: This blog is...
April 12, 2019
6 Areas to Consider during your School Year at Life Prep
We all want to have a good year at Life prep so...
May 3, 2019
8 Steps To Being A Successful Student At Life Prep Academy.
Life Prep Academy is an international school with over 20 different countries...
Location On Map
Home Student Ministries
While Preparing Students for life, Spiritual Life in our Christian school in Wichita, Ks, is of utmost importance.
R3fuge Ministires
Pastor Jesse Fillenworth
He has been a Youth and Young Adult Pastor at Word of Life Church for over 10 +years.
In 2015 He started Legacy Honduras, a Christian Humanitarian organization. Over the life of the ministry they have helped build over 20 Family Homes, provided numerous families with sustainable food, access to clean water, and income through Chicken coops, and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to over 1000 Local people.
He is passionate about helping the people locally and abroad and has dedicated his life to doing so.
R3fuge – Student Ministries Every Wednesday Night at 6:30
Spiritual life Focus at Life Prep Academy
Non denominational
Extremely Diverse
Student Lead Worship
Chapel and bible/worldview classes
Weekly bible classes peer groups
Weekly chapel with student lead worship
Focused on Christ Centered Education
Offering Specialized Biblical Worldview Class
Mission Trip through Legacy Honduras
Frequently Asked Questions
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What is the Tuition?
Where are you located?
Can I appy for scholarships from the website?
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How do I change my password?
Why aren't my courses showing in my account?
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Kindergarten at Life Prep
More Facts to Consider
Advanced Education
Our Kindergartners at Life Prep outperform others by 21% due to our advanced private curriculum
Incentives & Awards
Our original incentive formula minimizes acting out and improves attention spans.
Uplifting Friends
Within a premium education & Bible-based environment like Life Prep, your Kindergartner will be uplifted by their support system.
1 on 1 Tutoring
Your Student at Life Prep will receive the 1 on 1 care they need in problem areas recognized by the teacher/parent and improve by our educated specialists.
Voted Best
The Wichita Eagle voted Life Prep Academy as the Best Private School in Wichita, Kansas.
LPA Kindergarten Application
Interested? Fill out our short application and we will set up a tour with you at your earliest convenience.
Elementary Education Curriculum
Life Preparatory Academy uses Bob Jones University Press (BJUP) curriculum for elementary classes with other supplemental materials. BJUP is a rigorous curriculum from a biblical worldview to prepare the next generation for positions of leadership and influence in society. In the lower grades, Life Prep lays a solid foundation by discussing concepts on a very basic, concrete level, then building on that foundational knowledge, adding complexity when students are ready.
At Life Prep we use tried and true curriculum for our youngest age students. Our Kindergartners learn to not solely rely on sight words. Phonics and real math are important to our families and therefore are a part of our way of doing things at Life Prep.
School Supplies
1 ream of copier paper
1 small pencil box
2 pocket folders
1 bottle of Elmer’s glue
1 24 pack CRAYOLA crayons
1 pack CRAYOLA erasable colored pencils
1 12-pack CRAYOLA washable markers
Crayola washable kids paint
3 boxes of tissues
1 3-pack bundle of paper towels
2 containers of baby wipes
1 container of disinfectant wipes
2 bottles of hand sanitizer
1 pair of scissors
1 packages of cap erasers
BACKPACKS – Since backpacks should fit in the storage rooms, no wheeled packs. Please remember any writing or logos on backpacks should reflect our Christians values.
1st and 2nd Grade
1 Pkg. Quart size Zip-lock Baggies
1 Pkg. Notebook Paper
1 ream of copier paper
1 small pencil box (about 8” X 6”)
3 folders with pockets
2 wide-ruled spiral notebooks
2 Glue Sticks
1 24-pack Crayola crayons
1 pack Crayola erasable colored pencils
1 12-pack Crayola washable markers
1 Pk. Dry erase markers & 1 sock for erasing
1 package of cap erasers
1 pair of scissors
1 ruler (marked for standard and metric measurement)
3 box’s of tissues
2 bottles of hand sanitizer
1 3-pack bundle of paper towels
2 containers of baby wipes
1 containers of disinfectant wipes
1 backpack (Since backpacks should fit in the storage rooms, no wheeled packs. Please remember any writing or logos on backpacks should reflect our Christians values.)
3rd and 4th Grade
1 Ream of copier paper
2 Small pencil box
1 Bottle of Elmer’s glue
1 24-pack Crayola crayons
1 Pack Crayola colored pencils
1 12-pack Crayola washable markers
1 Dozen #2 wooden pencils – Ticonderoga pencils only
1 Package of cap erasers + 2 Erasers
1 Pair of scissors
1 Ruler (marked for standard and metric measurement)
3 Box’s of tissues
2 Bottles of hand sanitizer
1 3-pack bundle of paper towels
2 Containers of baby wipes
1 Containers of disinfectant wipes
1 Backpack (Since backpacks should fit in the storage rooms, no wheeled packs. Please remember any writing or logos on backpacks should reflect our Christians values.)
5th and 6th Grades
1 ream plain copy paper
2 packs lined paper
3 boxes tissues (Kleenex)
2 large disinfecting wipes
1 large hand sanitizer bottle
3 paper towel rolls
4 Expo dry erase markers
1 Bible
1 small clear protractor
1 mathematical compass
1 calculator, basic function
36-48 #2 wooden pencils (Ticonde roga brand is best)
1 2-2 ½ inch binder
1 set 5-8 binder index dividers
2 spiral-bound notebooks
1 12-pack colored pencils
1 12-pack washable markers
1 highlighter (yellow)
2 glue sticks
4 large erasers
4 pens (black or blue)
2 pens (red)
2 sticky note pads
1 multi-color copy paper
Secondary Education Curriculum
High School Core & Honors Core Courses
Please note that middle school students may take higher level courses.
English Language Arts
English 101 — Core English course, expands grammar knowledge to concepts including verbal mood, qualifiers, determiners, and subordinating conjunctions. Several genres are studied including short stories, the novel, oral reading and speech. Literature for this class includes Across Five Aprils, The Bronze Bow, and Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
English 201 — Core English course further refines communications skills, grammar concepts such as subjunctive mood, dependent clauses, vocabulary, and how to use these skills in
real life. The Bob Jones vocabulary book for that level is utilized as well as Tom Sawyer, The Hiding Place and Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
English 301 — Core English course looks at literature and language through a Christian worldview. Utilizes Bob Jones vocabulary book appropriate for this level as well as daily oral language practice in proper usage is emphasized. Literature studied at this level include The Diary of Ann Frank, Flowers for Algernon, and Animal Farm.
English 401 — Capstone high school course, prepares students for work in Advanced Placement and college level courses. Vocabulary concentrating on Latin and Greek roots is studied as well as continued practice on daily oral language for usage. Grammar at this level concentrates on the proper usage of clauses and phrases such as gerund phrases, participial phrases, and proper use of infinitive phrases. Literature at this level includes the study of classic dramas such as Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Novels include To Kill a Mockingbird and
Huckleberry Finn (course offered alternating years).
College Writing I & II — Capstone high school course available for optional university credit through the Advanced Standing Program at Newman University, emphasizes writing skills including essays and the steps culminating with the production of a full- length research paper. Literature for this level includes works such as The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
College Literature — Capstone high school course available for optional university credit through the Advanced Standing Program at Newman University, utilizes a literary-critical approach to Genres including poetry, short stories, plays, and novels. Authors red include Walt Whitman, Shakespeare, Jack London, Kate Chopin, and John Steinbeck. Works read include O Captain! My Captain!, To Build a Fire, and Of Mice and Men.
Fundamentals of Mathematics – Core mathematics course, focuses on problem solving and real-life uses of mathematics while emphasizing computational skills, building a solid foundation enabling students to succeed as they continue learning new skills.
Pre-Algebra – Serves as a bridge between elementary mathematics and Algebra, building a foundation of algebraic concepts through the use of technology, manipulatives, problem solving, and cooperative learning. Students will learn to utilize the graphing calculator in appropriate situations. Problem solving, reasoning, estimation, and connections between math and everyday applications will be emphasized throughout Pre-Algebra. This course is designed to prepare students for Algebra I.
Algebra I — The first class in algebra emphasizes study of the language of Algebra and gaining fluency at working with numbers and variables. Concepts studied include order of operations, commutative & associative properties, distributive properties, and graphing linear equations. Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra or the requisite skills and fluency in mathematics.
Geometry — Geometry is a comprehensive survey course studying the basics tools of geometry including constructions, proofs, and applications with algebra. These tools are applied
to triangle congruence and similarity, right angle trigonometry, area, surface area and volume, quadrilaterals and circles. Prerequisite: Algebra I
Algebra II — Continuing algebraic and geometric concepts developed in Algebra I and Geometry, students will review solving equations, inequalities, and graphing functions. The
students will continue their foundation of functions, use symbol and manipulation to simplify and solve, connect algebra and geometry, study conic sections, work different methods for solving system of equations, matrices, quadratic, square root, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions. Students will continue to build on this foundation as they expand their understanding through other mathematical experiences. Prerequisite: Algebra I, Geometry
Pre-Calculus — Equips students for college math courses by reviewing algebra basics before studying polynomial and rational functions and graphs, and exponential/logarithmic
functions and graphs. Introduces basic trigonometry, then analytic trigonometry, and finally trigonometry applied to non right-angled geometry. Studies systems of equations and matrices and determinants to conclude. Prerequisite: Algebra II, Geometry
Honors College Algebra — This course is a functional approach to algebra that incorporates the use of appropriate technology. Emphasis will be placed on the study of functions, and their graphs, inequalities, and linear, quadratic, piece-wise defined, rational, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Prerequisite: Algebra II (offered upon significant interest)
Honors AP Calculus — AP Calculus is the most challenging class offered at Life Prep Academy. This course prepares the student for the AP calculus BC test. Studies limits and
continuity of functions, then derivatives, including implicit differentiation. Applies differentiation to curve sketching and optimization problems. Studies indefinite and definite
integrals including integration techniques such as partial fractions and parts, and approximations to integrals. Studies first order differential equations, and sequences and series. Prerequisites: Algebra II and either Pre-Calculus, College Algebra or equivalent
Life Science — Surveys the structure and functions of living things starting from the cellular level, discussing prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure, as well as genetics,
focusing on the animal kingdom and its phyla.
Earth & Space Science — Using hands-on activities, students will learn about the earth’s form, structure, systems, and the forces that change them over time. In the lab,
students will investigate the densities and permeabilities of rocks samples as well as a number of other activities. Topics covered include Meteorology, Geology, and Astronomy.
Physical Science — Using a combination of classwork with an emphasis on hands-on activities, this course discusses classical mechanics, work, energy, electricity,
magnetism as well as introducing the chemistry concepts of the atom, elements, compounds, and chemical reactions.
Biology — As a continuation Life Science in the previous year, students will learn about the living world around us. Topics include botany, human anatomy and physiology, and
microbiology as they affect human health and function. Prerequisite: Life Science
Chemistry — In this class, the students are introduced to the periodic table, ionic and covalent compounds, and chemical equations. Students will build an understanding of
atomic structure, chemical composition, and chemical reactions. Prerequisite: Algebra I
Honors Chemistry – : Students in honors Chemistry will do all work in regular Chemistry and also will be required to complete required lab work assigned with Honors Chemistry. Materials covered include: Matter and energy, Atoms and moles, The periodic table, Ions and ionic compounds, Covalent compounds, The mole and chemical composition, chemical equations and reactions, stoichiometry, chemical thermodynamics, States of matter and inter- molecular forces, gases, solutions, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, oxidation and reduction. Prerequisite: Algebra I and Physical Science or Earth Science (offered upon significant interest)
Anatomy & Physiology — Students will develop an understanding of the relationships between the structures and functions of the human body. Topics include anatomical
structures, physiological systems, and body functions. Prerequisite: Biology or Life Science
Physics — Introduces a variety of physics topics including mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, optics, electricity, and magnetism using both lecture and hands-on
activities. Prerequisite: Algebra I, Algebra II (recommended)
Social Studies
World History — World History is a survey course overviewing the history of the human race starting from the Cradle of Civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and modern civilization. Emphasis is on the religions, politics, wars, technology, and institutions that have shaped the world into what it is today.
AP World History — A survey of world history from its earliest beginnings to the present. Emphasis is placed on the similarities of human thought, effort, and experience, social, political, economic or spiritual. While studying these differences in cultures, the commonality of human needs, hopes, and affections is consistently employed and reaffirmed as an organizing feature of the course.
World Geography — This course is a study of physical and human geography designed to help the student understand and relate to global context in a modern world. There is an emphasis on the cultural aspects of geography in a regional study format.
U.S. History — American history begins with the colonies over two centuries before the United States declared its independence from Great Britain. It then follows through the
battle for independence, the industrialization of the country, and into the 20th Century. This course will examine the major social, economic, and political trends throughout these eras.
AP U.S. History — It is often said, “Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.” AP U.S. History is an in-depth study with an emphasis on conceptual ideas topics and events which have shaped the American nation and produced the consequences leading to the American image, character, and ideal. Using original source materials in the works of leading
historians, political science, and critical commentators, students will understand how America has progressed through its history and achieved its status and recognition for good and bad, worldwide.
U.S. Government — U.S. Government studies the fundamentals, mechanics, and realities of all levels of government which impact those of us living in the United States on a
daily basis. It compares our government with other governments around the world and the official interactions with the international community.
Economics — Economics concentrates on both macroeconomics and microeconomics, investigating these concepts looking at the mechanics and theory behind all levels from household
purchases to the stock market. Topics include personal and public finance, budgeting, banking, debt, credit, and interest. Students will also study various economic systems found around the globe.
Worldview — What is truth? How do we know that truth is true and who are we to tell others they are wrong for believing the way they do? Worldview is a class that is
designed to help students prepare ethically and morally for college and careers in a world that tries to make truth relative.
AP Psychology — An introductory but in-depth course in all facets of the discipline from its history to its critical use of scientific research the role of biology, to sensation, perception, memory, intelligence, motivation, personality disorders, therapy, emotions, stress, and well-being in every aspect of human existence. All is studied and extensively discussed
with the objective to better understand the self, the other, and the varied and necessary relationship between the two.
Elective & Enrichment Courses
AP Art History — The viewing and critical analysis of the principal works of visual art in all genres created by all civilizations in all ages, this course offers the opportunity to understand, appreciate, and absorb what art might provide for the elevation of humankind to its highest purposes and destiny. (alternating years)
Ethics — The introduction to the application of ethical thinking and behavior reviews the literature on the subject from philosophers to social commenters and critics. Arrival at a personal view on the subject and its applications and consequences are the consistent goal of this course. (0.50 credit, one semester alternating years)
Business Ethics — Taught from a practical applications standpoint, this course introduces ethical concepts, then uses real life case studies both written and visual, to recognize, analyze, and apply ethical standards when facing pressure to be unethical. (offered when significant interest)
Bible Survey — A general survey of the Bible with emphasis given to its historical, geographical, cultural, and literary aspects, the purpose of this course help students
better understand the historical context of biblical literature, and the relationship of the Bible to the history, culture, literature, art, and social customs of the present day as well as its applicability to their daily walk of faith.
World Religions — The course is a thorough review of all religions, beliefs, and practices of human existence the purpose is to achieve a better knowledge, understanding, and respect of the shaping of the human character, relationships, and well-being that varied religions have attempted to impart as their primary goal and purpose. (0.50 credit, one semester offered when significant interest)
Cultural Anthropology — The course studies all that human nature in its multiple diversities has created and practiced in order to survive, interact, and achieve its dreams as well as all it has done to make these goals work at cross-purposes. (0.5 credit, one semester offered when significant interest)
Creative Writing — Creative Writing is an introduction to writing genres including essay, short story, novel, poem and play with an understanding of the major literary elements used to make writing expressive, interesting, engaging and more precise. Students are directed in journal writing and critical reading as well as formal paper writing. (offered alternate years)
High School Band — Students learn the basics of musical notation, sound production, and proper technique for the musical instrument of their choice. This group is a performing ensemble which performs at some athletic events, concerts, and festivals.
SAT/ACT Preparation — The purpose of this course is to help students prepare for the ACT and SAT Tests. The course provides general test-taking tips and information for all four sections of the ACT test as well as the SAT Test. During this course, several practices tests will be taken to provide opportunity for improvement in preparation for the official exams. (0.50 credit)
TOEFL Preparation — Open to students who will be required to take the TOEFL for college or university reasons, this course provides general test-taking tips and practice on TOEFL-like questions as well as review and practice the skills tested on the sections of this exam.
Computer Productivity Applications — Students will learn the practical aspects of working with word processing applications such as LibreOffice Writer and Microsoft Word, spreadsheet applications such as LibreOffice Calc and Microsoft Excel as well as gain fluency in working with presentation applications such as LibreOffice Impress and Microsoft
PowerPoint. This is a portfolio-based course based on a series of assigned projects.
Engineering Exploration — A high school level course which exposes students to some of the major concepts that they will encounter in a post-secondary engineering course of study. Students have an opportunity to investigate engineering and high-tech careers in a multimedia environment
Physical Education & Health — This course teaches the basics of human physiology and maintenance of human health throughout life including every day and warmup exercises. Also studied are a variety of individual and team sports including badminton, basketball, soccer, football, softball, etc.
Spanish I — Develop student skills and communication and comprehension in the Spanish language. Students will experience the language in a conversational, interactive context, facilitating natural language acquisition.
High School Clubs for Credit
Curricular Clubs meeting during the designated “club” time during the school day:
Chess Club — Chess Club gives students an opportunity to play friendly games of stress against their peers, in a fun and learning environment. Students of all levels are welcome to come, as help is given to those who need it. Chess Club also offers chess quizzes, chess puzzles and problems, and students also participate in local tournaments. (0.50 credit)
Cooking Club — Taught by our local, amateur master chef, Mr. Rotola, this club will meet twice each week during the regular school day and once each month for an extended session in the dormitory. Students will learn the basics of cooking and baking focusing on desserts and main courses. They will learn about meals from different cultures, countries, and the basics of food safety. (0.75 credit)
Decorative Art — Students gain an introduction to and an appreciation of as well as create works of art that are both pleasing to the eye and serve a purpose, so courses tend to focus on aesthetics as well as the practical.
TeenView Magazine— A magazine for teens, by teens, from a teen’s point of view. Through ongoing training and workshops, TeenView Magazine teaches participants useful skills that can cultivate academic and career achievements. Every completed issue, participants gain confidence in their abilities. (0.5 credit)
Choir — Students learn how to read music, match pitch, basic vocal warm-up skills, sight-sing, and will perform at home football games, school musical programs, and various other performances throughout the year. Staples include The Star-Spangled Banner, spirituals, and other music from the American choral tradition. (0.50 credit)
Yearbook — Students learn the basics of desktop publishing by creating, editing, and assembling the Life Prep Yearbook for the current school year. This book forms the chronicle for the life of the school and its students for the year. (0.50 credit)
Debate — Students study the techniques of interscholastic debate. Includes an analysis of debate theory and technique with practice and application of skills in competition. Novice debaters are mentored and assisted to hone their craft with interscholastic competition as the goal of the class.
Extracurricular Clubs meeting at the dormitory or off-campus:
Dance Club — Students will learn and practice skills in modern, jazz and hip- hop style dancing. The group performs at home football and basketball games. (0.25 credit, girls only, offered when significant interest)
Investing Club — Students will use real and play money, choose businesses based on merit to invest. In the process, they will learn the ins and outs of the stock market, bond market, and mutual funds. (0.25 credit, offered when significant interest)
*Unless otherwise stated, all courses are 1 credit. Each credit at Life Prep Academy is equal to one Carnegie Unit.
All of our arts are student driven!
Students have a say in the art they produce. Our extracurricular calendar allows students at Life Prep Academy to be involved in as many disciplines as they would like.
Listed below are the fine and performing arts offered at Life Prep Academy
Scholars Bowl
Scholars’ Bowl is a competition involving question and answer games where speed determines the amount of points the team receives
We proudly have one of the best teams in the State of Kansas
National tournament competitors in Spring 2019
Debate and Forensics
Competitions help develop the research, analysis, and persuasion abilities of participating students
Compete in 6 local tournaments a season
Mr. Meloni is the faculty sponsor
Students have the opportunity to sing in several community events (senior homes, Emerald City Music Festival, and other local venues)
We have several concerts on campus, including our annual Christmas Concert
Students will participate in Fall One Act Play, and/or the All School Musical (K-12)
Our theater class often performs in our school’s chapel service
We also offer our theater students the opportunity to participate in workshops in the Wichita arts community
Students compete in our annual All School Art Competition (with University Judges)
We have several different disciplines to choose from, including: painting, drawing, and sculpting
Students are able to choose their path under the guidance of Mrs. Tara Smith
Whether your student is a beginner or advanced musician, band at Life Prep is for them. We provide peer tutoring for our younger and beginner musicians
Students also compete in solo competitions at area contests
Band is available in our school in the 4th-12th grades
Students will perform in at least 2 concerts Christmas and the Spring Concert and various sporting events throughout the year
Led by our Band Director Mr. Denny Dusek
We want students to be prepared for the next level whether the path they choose is college or beginning their career. We are preparing students for life. Our College and Career Counseling focuses on the following:
Early planning for successful college acceptance
Academic planning for college and career readiness
College and career exploration and the selection process
College affordability planning (scholarships and financial aid)
College and career admissions processes
Extracurricular engagement
Transition from high school to college enrollment
Apply for Scholarships
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and he will not depart from it when he is old.”
Interview Tips
One thing we will be looking for at Life Prep is for potential students to be able to talk about their current and future goals. Below are a few tips to review before your initial interview with our private school Administrators.
Sample Interview Questions
Why do you think you would be a good fit for LPA?
What are you looking to get out of your college prep education?
Do you think it is important to get involved in extra curricula activities as well as academics?
What does educating the whole man: spirit, soul, and body mean to you?
Are you willing to try new things, work hard and learn from your mistakes?
What benefits do you see yourself receiving from a culturally diverse school?
We are eager to meet you and are looking forward to your inquiry into our private Christian College Prep K-12 School in Wichita, Kansas.
Schoolbelles is a great company from where we get our school uniforms. To make uniform shopping convenient for the families at Life Prepatory Academy, click the link to the Schoolbelles “Life Prepatory Academy” shopping page. Our school number/code is s2880. Feel free to contact Schoolbelles directly at 316-260-1971.
Domestic Booklet
Domestic Student Application
International Student Application
International Course Catalogue
Top Universities Acceptance Doc
Domestic Booklet Life Prep Academy
Life Prep Sports
Baseball | Football | M & W Basketball | Volleyball | M & W Soccer | Softball | E-Sports | Cheer-leading | Softball | Track
At Life Prep we take pride in our Athletics. We believe that Athletics provide a window into the school and we want that window to be as successful as possible.
We have a tradition of success at Life Prep Academy. A tradition that we work hard to uphold.
Life Prep operates in the best facilities in Wichita because we want our teams to be filled with the best athletes, and we want to give those athletes the best chance for success.
Our coaching staff exemplifies what it is to be successful on and off the field!
If you have any further questions about our Athletic department contact us at 316-838-1243 or email our Athletic Director Jeff Oldenburg at
Follow our Athletics on Social Media
Your child is a unique creation of God
At Life Prep Academy we believe that your child is a unique creation of God. As a private Christian school, we emphasis Godly morals and conservative values.
Parents of Life Prep students know that the school they send their children to is assisting them, not fighting against them, in the training of the most precious commodity of all – our children and our future.
For the Lord gives wisdom, from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6
Preparing Your Student Academically for Life
Parents and students love our four-day school week. Monday through Thursday is reserved for normal class operation, including lectures, tests, and class participation.
Fridays are reserved as a teacher in-service day where students can come in for one-on-one tutoring with their teachers, catch up on assignments, or excel with extra-credit work.
A Strong Body Is An Alert Body
Life Prep has many opportunities for organized sports.
We strive for excellence and compete with some of the top teams in our region. Life Prep has seen many of our athletes receive full scholarships to D1, D2, NAIA and CC. colleges. Our alumni boast of many successful athletic careers.
If your student is looking for a private school that cares about and assists students in their athletic future than Life Prep is for you.
Apply Today!
Check Out Our Student Ministries Page
Our Student Ministries Page has more specific information on the Spiritual side of our School. Click on the R3fuge Logo!
Dorm Life At Life Prep
Our Top-Notch Facilities and Residents
Life Prep has over 20 different countries represented by the students who are currently being housed in our amazingly beautiful dormitories.
Rich and Keena Davis are the Dorm Directors for Life Prep Academy. We are blessed that the Life Prep Dorm Directors feel fortunate to be able to work with not only an array of different ages of students, but from all different cultures and countries. From picking new and returning students at the airport, to making them feel comfortable in their room – Rich and Keena are the best!
The Life Prep Dormitory facility has four different living houses (two for boys and two for girls) as well as one main/gathering house. The main house consists of a pool table, ping pong table, a large flat screen and a top of the line industrial kitchen that serves nutritious and delicious meals for students and staff.
One of the highlights of Dorm life is seeing people from different cultures and different ways of life interacting and trying things they may not have in their home country. It is also fun to watch students improve their English-speaking skills and their knowledge about the different things America has to offer.
Our International Students compete each year, along with our Domestic students, in our annual Presidential Debate. It is interesting to observe how quickly they learn our customs and can articulate social and fiscal government policies and ideals. Oftentimes one of our International Students gets elected “President of the United States” by their peers.
Dorm Location
Easy to Apply - Scholarships Available - Click Here Now!
Apply today and discover how affordable private Christian education can be!
International Student Testimonials
Jiwon Jun-2019 Life Prep Graduate-South Korea
The Dorm Directors welcomed me as soon as I got to the dorms, and they tried me make me feel comfortable with the new place. I could tell that they considered me as a part of the dorm family, not just another student. They helped me through not only in the dorms but also the school stuff. They are great RAs, and I’d rather say that they are just like my other set of parents now here.
Esther Llanos Llorca, Grade 12, Alicante, Spain
Coming to Life Prep Academy was just amazing! From the first moment, I felt at home. Like I was loved and that people cared about me. When you are in a foreign country sometimes it’s hard to get used to a completely new life but the Dorm Directors made it really easy for me because I have the same family environment that I had back home. They also introduced me to a completely different culture that I was not that familiar to and it was just really easy to change the way that I did things and that I behaved in my country and all of that was due to them.
Radica Nojkova -2018 Life Prep Graduate-Macedonia
As an international student from Macedonia, I had the opportunity to spend a year with the Dorm Directors. When I first came to Life Prep Dormitories, they welcomed me kindly and made my year special. It was year spent in joy and I am so glad that I happened to be one of the international students. We had a lot of fun but most important peace and safety. They cared for us like we are their own children, which made me feel like I am home. What I realized is that they want me to succeed. Including school, they did everything they could to help me to have good grades. I am very thankful to the Dorm Directors for giving the best of them to make the best of me.
Ricard Ballonga Perez, Grade 12, Spain
The Dorm Directors helped me and the other student’s feel welcome into the dorms and the American culture since the first couple weeks I was here. First of all, the Dorm Director has children and so they understand how us teenagers can think sometimes and tries to adapt to us. The Dorm Directors are always there for the good stuff and bad stuff and make sure you are having a good time. They make sure we have the best food at the dorms, also they make special meals for different holidays to makes us feel more into the American culture. They will always be available for any emergencies and they also always looking out for us. All that effort they put in helps all of the students feel welcomed at Life Prep Academy and the American culture.
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Welcome to Life Prep
First Day of School
New York Trip
Kindergarten Roundup
Homecoming Game and Court
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My name is Barry Kelvin Ma and I’m an international student from Shanghai, China. I’ve been a student at Life Prep Academy for two years and now I’m going to share with you some things that international students should know …
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8 Steps To Being A Successful Student At Life Prep Academy.
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5 Types Of Students At Life Preparatory Academy
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